Where did time go...really I have no idea?? Some one please give it back!
I arrived in Japan on August 31st and now here I am at December 13th, and I basically feel as if I haven't even moved yet. I have done so much that I feel like I haven't done anything, if that makes any sense. I spent so much time adjusting to the move, finding my way around, and doing school work that everything just kind of sped right along. I still have so much time left, but I am scared that after winter break it will just go *poof* and I will be back in America. It is strange because in 5 days almost 3/4s of the international students here will be hopping on planes home and not coming back. I understand that most people can't stay for a whole year, but I am really sad to see them go. It sucks worse that it is final exam time. Papers and tests are killing everyone and now no one has time for last outings or even go
But, speaking of winter break I wanted to let everyone know my plans for break! ^_^
Break is really long. 6 weeks, Dec. 18th to Feb.6th crazy right?! A number of one-year students are heading back home for this month and a half, which being a little homesick makes me slightly envious, but I have quite the epic adventure going for me!
- December 23rd - Say goodbye to host family! :(
- December 24th-27th - Christmas in Tokyo with Steph!! GazettE Tokyo Dome Tour Final on the 26th!
- December 28th-January 5th - New Years in Okayama with Arisa and her Family
- January 6th-January 11th - Visit my friend Kelly who teaches for JET in Aomori (lots of snow!)
- January 12th - 15th - Short break from traveling back in Hirakata crashing at Arisa's
- January 16th - 31st - CHINA!!! Chengdu in Sichuan Province to be exact! Visiting a good friend from high school!
- February 1st - Back for Orientation at good ol' KGU!
I think I will have a lot of down time so I plan to catch up on my blog and vlog! Let's hope!
Anyways time to study for my Speaking Final! がんばります!